Melanin. Motivation. Manifestation...By Me


Zodiac Bashing: Why do you dislike a certain Zodiac Sign

Zodiac Bashing, yes it’s a thing and I just learned of the phrase, which by the way I’m so excited about.


If you’re into the zodiacs or not, I’m sure you’ve been guilty in one way or another of Zodiac Bashing. I know I’m VERY guilty of zodiac bashing.

So what is Zodiac Bashing?

“When you show and share a strong dislike for a particular zodiac sign.”

It’s easy to get hung up on the negative aspects of a zodiac sign. Especially when there’s a pattern with your interactions along with other people chiming in with their shared traumas.

As you know I am a proud Gemini, and you know we Gemini’s know about zodiac bashing because we are ALWAYS the zodiac getting bashed on! Read my reasoning for why this happens here.

What zodiac signs do I bash, Earth signs, but wait I’m not that crazy to completely dismiss or befriend someone due their zodiac sign (dating is another thing). That’s absolutely insane and would’ve been the most irresponsible thing for me to do especially when some of the most important people in my life are Earth signs (no literally my mom and both my grandmothers are Earth signs).

The question is, Why Earth signs?

If I had to track down the people who I tried to like and they ended up doing me wrong, a strong 85% of them were Earth signs (and a Gemini male).

I’m an Air sign, if you think of the elements, air and earth don’t really complement each other. Air comes and blows dirt around, and that’s it.


Air signs (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra) are flighty, they can’t be confined; while Earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo) are grounded, built on stability. There are ways in which they are complimentary, Air signs are loyal and fun; while bringing newness and excitement to Earth signs. Earth signs are stable, logical, responsible, and grounded which is very necessary for Air signs.

So yeah, I’m careful now with how I bash these signs especially when there are so many Earth signs I love in my life!

Catch this tea!

We are all made up of more than one zodiac sign according to the position of the solar system during the time and place of our births, this information can be found in your Natal Chart. The Sun placement is actually just a tiny puzzle piece of your entire personality/life puzzle. I actually have Taurus and Capricorn placements in my chart, so I had to check myself, how can I continue to bash them when I’m comprise of them?


I can, jokingly, in jest, BUT I’ve been doing better with looking at the holistic picture. I also believe bash is such a harsh word. I respect Earth signs place in the universe because I love the grounding that they offer in my own life, they definitely bring me back to Earth. It’s all about balance, understanding the duality of the universe; no one is perfect, and someone is always going to find something negative to say about all 12 zodiac signs. Some things may be valid, some may be based on personal experiences and biases.

All in all, you feel how you feel, your feelings are always valid but before you go down the Gemini is Satan rabbit hole you may want to pull up your own natal chart, because you may have a little Gemini in you too.

-By Lady Adelaide