Melanin. Motivation. Manifestation...By Me


Every-Thang by Lady A

Not everything, not so fast….

Honestly, I’m the worst at writing about myself, my skills, and how amazing I think I am. 


My name is Lady Adelaide (yes this is my real name, more at 11), to make life simple I go by Adelaide, some friends use Lady Adelaide. There are other nicknames floating around that I actually like but I’ll leave it up to you. 

I was born and raised on the North-side of Chicago, in the Edgewater Beach area. I remember growing up in Chicago it was so cool to say: "I’m from the South-side" or yell out "WEST-SIDE" and it sounded better too, then here I come talking about "NORTH-SIDE!" Crickets. Yeah….But it’s where I’m from and I love it. 

I moved to NYC when I was 25 years old, it was a life changing experience which I'll share in a future post. I learned and grew so much during those 5 years in NYC. Although I recently moved back to Chicago, I’m not done with living in NYC (more to come).

For about 25 years of my life I believed I was crazy, I owned it, loved it, and embraced it. Until, I started traveling and moved to NYC, realizing, I’m not as crazy as I thought. There's a ton of crazy people in this world, I mean completely insane; its like one giant show and I’m just part of the supporting cast. If you know me I ALWAYS have a story to tell, always.

I’m obsessed with astrology, if i’m vibing with you I’m going to ask what’s your zodiac sign. If I’m not vibing with you, I’m going to ask what’s your zodiac sign. It all truly matters and is logical in my world.

Just to let you know….

My Sun is in Gemini

My Moon is in Aries

My Rising/Ascendant is in Scorpio

All types of crazy happening up there.

I’m FINALLY stepping into my purpose, realizing I can no longer run from my destiny, and this blog is part of God’s plan for my life. I do believe we have many purposes and my hope is to use this blog to capture my journey as I pursue and accomplish my dreams.

I’m growing, learning, and evolving daily, while still laughing, and striving to consistently live my best life. I’ve got stories to tell, things to share, and I’m glad you’ve decided to join the journey! 

Welcome to the Jungle….

It’s colorful; filled with love, life, and light all while being shielded by an impenetrable Vibranium wall to keep out all da F*ck Boys.




Cheat Day Meals

Colorful Cocktails


New York City






All things I know and love by Lady Adelaide