Behind the Scenes: My Colorful Crown-A reflection of my childhood
by Lady Adelaide Blog Anniversary Interactive Photo Exhibit July 2019
When you want it, don’t be surprise how and when it happens.
This photograph has gotten so much attention and love it’s truly been amazing. I create content not only for the joy of expressing my creativity, showcasing people’s talents, and spotlighting melanin but for it to eventually land in places that don’t showcase melanin as often. Women of color should be represented everywhere, at the same type of frequency, and not just when we’re trending.
February 21st, 2019
The day I did this shoot, I was physically, emotionally, spiritually TIRED! My cup was so empty and after styling, coordinating hair, makeup, scheduling, then having to model; I just wanted to get this shoot over with.
The colorful crown photo was the last shot of the photoshoot. I remember Dom (the photographer) said: “Wait let me get the back” I said oh yes of course, then boom here you have it.
Let’s take it back to my childhood
As a child, my mom didn’t know how to do my hair. I’m grateful she’d send me to the beauty salon from time to time to let them get my hair under control.
After some box perms and no implementation of healthy hair maintenance practices, I didn’t have much hair and was ‘bald-headed.’
I truly hated being bald-headed, mostly because doing my hair for school in the mornings was nightmare. This also came with being super insecure with the fact I just knew I was ugly.
So in order to get a ponytail together, I had to use a bunch of these colorful hair clips in the front of my hair so my hair could lay down. I remember using a variety of hair clips, some were glitter gold, green, red; clips of all different colors.
The Creative Process
I was truly inspired by other melanated beauties from IG and Pinterest. Their use of colorful clips and colorful eyeshadows is so eye catching and I wanted to create a vibe similar to what they showcased. I already have a photo series where I’m playing with colors and I thought their use of all these colors was so beautiful.
I’m not the first to do this particular style as a matter of fact, googling, I saw a picture of a photo editorial of a Caucasian woman with silver hair clips of many different sizes. I haven’t come across anyone yet using as many colorful clips in this manner, yet.
In the end….
Late nights when it’s silent at 1/2 in the AM are my best times to think and create.
I let me spirit talk to me and tell me what direction to go in creatively. I have conversations with my friends, who inspire me, and browse Pinterest which also acts as a calming mechanism for my occasional anxiety.
I love color, I love hair, I love weave, and I love being a black women who can switch up hair styles whenever I please. I’m blessed to have an amazing team: Courtney Lindsey on makeup, Gerrica Nichols on Hair, and Domanique Shepherd with photography.
All black women, all from Chicago, all using their magic to create black girl magic.
-By Lady Adelaide