Melanin. Motivation. Manifestation...By Me


Posts tagged motivationbyladyadelaide
How I Conquered my Fear of being too Dark for Photos + Tips for Your 1st Photoshoot

By universal sycronicity, at the exact moment I was writing this post, BLACK-ISH aired a new episode (Season 5: Episode 10) about Colorism. Diane (Bow and Dre’s youngest daughter) due poor lighting appears darker in her school class photo compared to the rest of her classmates. Diane also has the darkest complexion in her class and in her family. This sparked outraged amongst her family about how her school should be aware of different skin tones and ensure photographers use proper lighting to accommodate all shades. It’s such an embarrassing conversation to be in the middle of, and in the end, Diane simply stated she didn’t want to be different. I related to that so much having had similar experiences being singled out due to something you can’t change. Due to this same instance, being too dark at times to be seen in photography without proper lighting, I feared having professional photographs taken. Yet, in true living out my purpose fashion, I conquered this fear, and learned some tips along the way.

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Daily Manifesting: Creating a Portable Vision Board

It’s another brand new year and people are hitting the gym, setting goals, making plans for it to be another amazing life changing year. The new year is also a time for Vision Board Parties! I’m sure you’ve seen vision boards all over your timeline, if you haven’t been invited to a vision board party no worries neither have I! As you know, you don’t need to attend a party to create your own vision board and I’ve created ways for you to carry and create one at anytime!

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6 Lessons I learned after Re-reading the Alchemist in my 30’s

Recently, I was having a drink at one of my favorite Sushi spots which I used to frequent often. There was a new bartender providing me with service who was very sweet. As I was seated at the bar, I began to read a book (not the Alchemist) in which he asks what book I was reading. I tell him the name then I proceed to tell him I'm actually re-reading the Alchemist as well. The bartender mentioned he wasn't too much a fan of the book due to it being too literal, you already know the Shepard Boy is going to find his treasure, the end. Well, after schooling him about this book, he didn’t want me to leave! Check out some of the points I discussed with him.

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